Javelin International Constitution
Version 1982
1. NAME The name of this body shall be "Javelin International". 2. FLAG The flag of Javelin International shall be the insignia prescribed in rule 15.16 upon a white ground of the dimensions prescribed for flags in the international Code of Signals. 3 OBJECTS The objects of Javelin International shall be: 3.1 To encourage the' international growth of Javelin dinghies as a one design, and 3.2 to promote and organize international racing, and 3.3 to control and administer the Rules; so that Javelin dinghy are all of the same hull shape and are, within narrow limits, of the same weight and have the same weight distribution; but to allow sufficient latitude in other matters in order to promote interest in the fitting out, maintaining and racing of the boats themselves. 4. ORGANISATION 4.1 Javelin International shall be administered by a Council, which shall comprise a president, a deputy to the president and one vice president from each affiliated National Association Council shall appoint a Chief Executive, a Treasurer and- a Publicity Co-Ordinator. 4.2 Each National Association shall nominate its representative Vice-president to Council. Each such Vice-president shall have power to commit his National Association in the transactions of Council and shall have one vote for each twenty-five boats. which are registered with his National Association, the owners of which are full, paid up members of that National Association. 4.3 The representative Vice presidents shall elect the President and the deputy to the President. The former may be elected either from among themselves or from candidates nominated by affiliated National Associations, in the discretion of the representative Vice-presidents. The deputy to the president shall be elected from among themselves. 4.4 The President and the Deputy to the President shall always be different individuals. 4.5 Council shall appoint a technical Work Group which shall comprise up to four members and a chairman. The function of this group shall be to consider all technical matters affecting, or likely to affect, the development of Javelin dinghies bearing always in mind the Objects prescribed in Article 3 of this Constitution and to recommend to Council any desirable actions they feel to be appropriate to foster such objects, especially changes to the Rules. 5 VOTING 5.1 Voting in Council. All issues for resolution by vote in Council shall be resolved by a simple majority of the votes cast by all representative Vice-Presidents and the President save for the following issues which shall be resolved by a majority or more of majority of seventy five percent all such votes: 5.11 Changes to the Rules. 5.12 Changes to this constitution. 5.13 Appointments to the Technical Work Group. 5.14 The election of the President and the Deputy to the President. 5.2 Proxy or postal votes may be cast by representative Vice-Presidents if they are unable to be present at meetings of the Council. 5.3 Neither the President nor (in his absence) the Deputy to the President shall have a second or casting vote. 5.4 Voting in the Technical Work Group shall be by simple majority. 6. MEETINGS 6.1 Council shall meet not less than once each year at a location of its choice. 6.2 The Technical Work Group shall meet not less than once each year on or immediately before the days upon which Council decides to meet, at the same location. 7. RULES Only such boats as are found to be in conformity with the Rules prescribed from time to time by Council may be registered by affiliated National Associations, and issued with Racing Certificates. Council shall administer and control the application of the Rules in conformity with the Objects prescribed in Article 3 and shall, in its discretion and by vote as prescribed in Article 5, change the Rules from time to time. 8. SUBSCRIPTIONS Each affiliated National Association shall pay a proportion of its subscription income in each year to Javelin International. The amount of such proportion shall be broadly determined by reference to the budget required by the proposed activities. which Javelin International intends to undertake in conformity with the Objects, which activities shall be passed in review by Council which shall then prescribe the proportion payable. 9. ACCOUNTS The accounts shall be made up to December 31 in each year, shall be audited, and shall be circulated to all affiliated National Associations. |